
Update, get details of given analysis of an reporting app.

Get details of the given analysis of reporting app.

Path Parameters

  • tenantIdstringrequired

    Describes partnerId or clientId of the tenant

  • idstringrequired

    Describes analysis uuid of the analyses of the reporting app


  • idstring

    Analysis uuid

  • namestringrequired

    Analysis name

  • tenantIdstring

  • installedAppIdstringrequired

    Installed reporting appId

  • parametersobjectrequired

    Parameters as defined in the reporting app manifest.

  • createdByobject

  • updatedByobject

  • createdDatestring

    Analysis created date

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Update the analysis of reporting app

Path Parameters

  • tenantIdstringrequired

    Describes partnerId or clientId of the tenant

  • idstringrequired

    Describes analysis uuid of the analyses of the reporting app

Request Body


  • namestringrequired

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  • idstring

    analysisId of the analysis.

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