Update and Get Client Details
Updates and gets client details.
Gets client details.
Path Parameters
- clientId
Describes the clientId
- partnerId
Partner Id defined for the tenant
- uniqueId
- name
Name of the client.
- activated
- updatedTime
- createdTime
- timeZone
Country time zone. Opsramp supports a comprehensive list of timezones. Example: "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles"
- createdBy
- lastUpdatedBy
- channel
Channel ID. To get list of available channels, access the Get Channels API.
- address
Address of the client.
- city
City name.
- state
State name.
- country
Name of the country. To view a list of countries, access the Get Countries API.
- zip
Zip code.
- phoneNumber
Phone number of client.
- phoneExtension
Phone number extension.
- mobileNumber
Mobile number of client.
- showCopyClipBoard
Show Copy to Clipboard.
- twoFactorAuthentication
- duoSecurity
- passwordPolicy
- mspId
- extOrgId
External organization ID.
- rdp2swfState
A flag used that if rdp2swfState=true, converts remote console recordings to flash format.
- enableCLIRecording
Set enableCLIRecording=true to enable CLI recording.
- clientDetails
- agentPolicies
- saClient
- nableClient
- lpiClient
- ncareAgent
- ncareDevsCount
- noPolicyDevsCount
- allDevicesCount
- nocDetails
NOC details. To get the list of available NOCs, access the Get Tenant NOCs API.
- whiteListedIps
IP whitelisting is a security feature often used for limiting and controlling access only to trusted users. IP whitelisting allows you to create lists of trusted IP addresses or IP ranges from which your users can access your domains. Example: IP addresses can be of the form [172.22.22.*] or a range [172.22.2.{0-50}]
- resourceDecommission
A resource can be decommissioned if you do not wish to manage the resource anymore. A resource moved into decommissioned state is not re-managed. Provide resourceDecommission: true to enable the module for a client. If you do not provide any value, the default value is false.
- services
List of channel services:
- serviceAccessDetails
List of Alternate Access Details.
- internetSPDetails
- networkArchitectures
- addOns
Client specific addOns as provided by OPSRAMP on specific packages Viz "SMS and Voice", "Knowledgebase Management", "OS Service Start/Stop Actions", "Remote Access Management", "Process Automation", "Extended Data Retention", "Mask Resource Identity Management", "Event Enrichment","Adapter Integrations".
- packages
Client specific Packages as provided by OPSRAMP i..e Hybrid Discovery and Monitoring", "Event and Incident Management", "Remediation and Automation".
- logMonitoringEnabled
- logsEnabledOnAllAgents
- traceMonitoringEnabled
- id
- eventEnrichment
- resourceAvailabilitySettings
Availability Settings
- admissionControlForAgents
Admission control for agents in Public Cloud
- enableAppdetection
Application Discovery & Dependency Mapping
- enableSelfMonitoring
Agent Monitoring Capabilities. This is for client level setting.
- selfMonitoringFrequency
Set the agent self monitoring frequency in hrs. Default value is 6 hrs when user enables agent self monitoring. Support value are 1,2,3,6,12 in hrs.
- Enum:
- 123612
- remoteAccessManagement
Remote consoles feature settings
Updates a client.
Path Parameters
- clientId
Describes the clientId
- partnerId
Partner Id defined for the tenant
Request Body
- uniqueId
- name
Name of the client.
- activated
- updatedTime
- createdTime
- timeZone
Country time zone. Opsramp supports a comprehensive list of timezones. Example: "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles"
- createdBy
- lastUpdatedBy
- channel
Channel ID. To get list of available channels, access the Get Channels API.
- address
Address of the client.
- city
City name.
- state
State name.
- country
Name of the country. To view a list of countries, access the Get Countries API.
- zip
Zip code.
- phoneNumber
Phone number of client.
- phoneExtension
Phone number extension.
- mobileNumber
Mobile number of client.
- showCopyClipBoard
Show Copy to Clipboard.
- twoFactorAuthentication
- duoSecurity
- passwordPolicy
- mspId
- extOrgId
External organization ID.
- rdp2swfState
A flag used that if rdp2swfState=true, converts remote console recordings to flash format.
- enableCLIRecording
Set enableCLIRecording=true to enable CLI recording.
- clientDetails
- agentPolicies
- saClient
- nableClient
- lpiClient
- ncareAgent
- ncareDevsCount
- noPolicyDevsCount
- allDevicesCount
- nocDetails
NOC details. To get the list of available NOCs, access the Get Tenant NOCs API.
- whiteListedIps
IP whitelisting is a security feature often used for limiting and controlling access only to trusted users. IP whitelisting allows you to create lists of trusted IP addresses or IP ranges from which your users can access your domains. Example: IP addresses can be of the form [172.22.22.*] or a range [172.22.2.{0-50}]
- resourceDecommission
A resource can be decommissioned if you do not wish to manage the resource anymore. A resource moved into decommissioned state is not re-managed. Provide resourceDecommission: true to enable the module for a client. If you do not provide any value, the default value is false.
- services
List of channel services:
- serviceAccessDetails
List of Alternate Access Details.
- internetSPDetails
- networkArchitectures
- addOns
Client specific addOns as provided by OPSRAMP on specific packages Viz "SMS and Voice", "Knowledgebase Management", "OS Service Start/Stop Actions", "Remote Access Management", "Process Automation", "Extended Data Retention", "Mask Resource Identity Management", "Event Enrichment","Adapter Integrations".
- packages
Client specific Packages as provided by OPSRAMP i..e Hybrid Discovery and Monitoring", "Event and Incident Management", "Remediation and Automation".
- logMonitoringEnabled
- logsEnabledOnAllAgents
- traceMonitoringEnabled
- id
- eventEnrichment
- resourceAvailabilitySettings
Availability Settings
- admissionControlForAgents
Admission control for agents in Public Cloud
- enableAppdetection
Application Discovery & Dependency Mapping
- enableSelfMonitoring
Agent Monitoring Capabilities. This is for client level setting.
- selfMonitoringFrequency
Set the agent self monitoring frequency in hrs. Default value is 6 hrs when user enables agent self monitoring. Support value are 1,2,3,6,12 in hrs.
- Enum:
- 123612
- remoteAccessManagement
Remote consoles feature settings
- uniqueId
- name
Name of the client.
- activated
- updatedTime
- createdTime
- timeZone
Country time zone. Opsramp supports a comprehensive list of timezones. Example: "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles"
- createdBy
- lastUpdatedBy
- channel
Channel ID. To get list of available channels, access the Get Channels API.
- address
Address of the client.
- city
City name.
- state
State name.
- country
Name of the country. To view a list of countries, access the Get Countries API.
- zip
Zip code.
- phoneNumber
Phone number of client.
- phoneExtension
Phone number extension.
- mobileNumber
Mobile number of client.
- showCopyClipBoard
Show Copy to Clipboard.
- twoFactorAuthentication
- duoSecurity
- passwordPolicy
- mspId
- extOrgId
External organization ID.
- rdp2swfState
A flag used that if rdp2swfState=true, converts remote console recordings to flash format.
- enableCLIRecording
Set enableCLIRecording=true to enable CLI recording.
- clientDetails
- agentPolicies
- saClient
- nableClient
- lpiClient
- ncareAgent
- ncareDevsCount
- noPolicyDevsCount
- allDevicesCount
- nocDetails
NOC details. To get the list of available NOCs, access the Get Tenant NOCs API.
- whiteListedIps
IP whitelisting is a security feature often used for limiting and controlling access only to trusted users. IP whitelisting allows you to create lists of trusted IP addresses or IP ranges from which your users can access your domains. Example: IP addresses can be of the form [172.22.22.*] or a range [172.22.2.{0-50}]
- resourceDecommission
A resource can be decommissioned if you do not wish to manage the resource anymore. A resource moved into decommissioned state is not re-managed. Provide resourceDecommission: true to enable the module for a client. If you do not provide any value, the default value is false.
- services
List of channel services:
- serviceAccessDetails
List of Alternate Access Details.
- internetSPDetails
- networkArchitectures
- addOns
Client specific addOns as provided by OPSRAMP on specific packages Viz "SMS and Voice", "Knowledgebase Management", "OS Service Start/Stop Actions", "Remote Access Management", "Process Automation", "Extended Data Retention", "Mask Resource Identity Management", "Event Enrichment","Adapter Integrations".
- packages
Client specific Packages as provided by OPSRAMP i..e Hybrid Discovery and Monitoring", "Event and Incident Management", "Remediation and Automation".
- logMonitoringEnabled
- logsEnabledOnAllAgents
- traceMonitoringEnabled
- id
- eventEnrichment
- resourceAvailabilitySettings
Availability Settings
- admissionControlForAgents
Admission control for agents in Public Cloud
- enableAppdetection
Application Discovery & Dependency Mapping
- enableSelfMonitoring
Agent Monitoring Capabilities. This is for client level setting.
- selfMonitoringFrequency
Set the agent self monitoring frequency in hrs. Default value is 6 hrs when user enables agent self monitoring. Support value are 1,2,3,6,12 in hrs.
- Enum:
- 123612
- remoteAccessManagement
Remote consoles feature settings