Manage Integration Event

Updates, gets, and deletes an integration event.

Path Parameters

  • tenantIdstringrequired

    Describes the tenantId of the tenant

  • installedIntgIdstringrequired

    Unique Identifier of the installed integration

  • eventIdstringrequired

    The unique ID of an event related to the integration


  • idstring

  • namestring

    Name of the Integration event.

  • entitystring

    Entity on which an action is performed. Supported entities include: Service Desk INCIDENT SERVICEREQUEST CHANGE PROBLEM TASK Resource Alert ALERT (used only when eventType is selected as NONE)

  • eventTypestring

    Type of action performed on the entity. Supported values include: NONE (Used to invoke external integration through process workflow), CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE

  • notifierobject

    The fields are required unless specific to an `authType`.

  • endPointURIstring

  • headersarray

  • thirdPartyEventTypestring

    Type of action performed on the entity.Supported Values: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, and PATCH

  • payloadstring

    Third-party integration event payload. Provide the third-party payload with OpsRamp placeholders to integrate the event between OpsRamp and third-party: - To get OpsRamp tokens, use refer to the Get Integration Event Placeholders API. - Convert the payload to base 64 and provide the file in the field file in the below sample request.

  • filterCriteriaobject

    Filter entities on which the event is added to the rules

  • useBaseNotifierboolean

    Notification details to trigger events defined. To configure integration base notifier: - Provide useBaseNotifier: true to assign the notifier details to the event. - Provide useBaseNotifier: false to assign different notifier details

  • responseHeadersarray

  • depEventobject

Loading Examples...

Path Parameters

  • tenantIdstringrequired

    Describes the tenantId of the tenant

  • installedIntgIdstringrequired

    Unique Identifier of the installed integration

  • eventIdstringrequired

    The unique ID of an event related to the integration

Request Body


  • idstring

  • namestring

    Name of the Integration event.

  • entitystring

    Entity on which an action is performed. Supported entities include: Service Desk INCIDENT SERVICEREQUEST CHANGE PROBLEM TASK Resource Alert ALERT (used only when eventType is selected as NONE)

  • eventTypestring

    Type of action performed on the entity. Supported values include: NONE (Used to invoke external integration through process workflow), CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE

  • notifierobject

    The fields are required unless specific to an `authType`.

  • endPointURIstring

  • headersarray

  • thirdPartyEventTypestring

    Type of action performed on the entity.Supported Values: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, and PATCH

  • payloadstring

    Third-party integration event payload. Provide the third-party payload with OpsRamp placeholders to integrate the event between OpsRamp and third-party: - To get OpsRamp tokens, use refer to the Get Integration Event Placeholders API. - Convert the payload to base 64 and provide the file in the field file in the below sample request.

  • filterCriteriaobject

    Filter entities on which the event is added to the rules

  • useBaseNotifierboolean

    Notification details to trigger events defined. To configure integration base notifier: - Provide useBaseNotifier: true to assign the notifier details to the event. - Provide useBaseNotifier: false to assign different notifier details

  • responseHeadersarray

  • depEventobject

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  • idstring

  • namestring

    Name of the Integration event.

  • entitystring

    Entity on which an action is performed. Supported entities include: Service Desk INCIDENT SERVICEREQUEST CHANGE PROBLEM TASK Resource Alert ALERT (used only when eventType is selected as NONE)

  • eventTypestring

    Type of action performed on the entity. Supported values include: NONE (Used to invoke external integration through process workflow), CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE

  • notifierobject

    The fields are required unless specific to an `authType`.

  • endPointURIstring

  • headersarray

  • thirdPartyEventTypestring

    Type of action performed on the entity.Supported Values: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, and PATCH

  • payloadstring

    Third-party integration event payload. Provide the third-party payload with OpsRamp placeholders to integrate the event between OpsRamp and third-party: - To get OpsRamp tokens, use refer to the Get Integration Event Placeholders API. - Convert the payload to base 64 and provide the file in the field file in the below sample request.

  • filterCriteriaobject

    Filter entities on which the event is added to the rules

  • useBaseNotifierboolean

    Notification details to trigger events defined. To configure integration base notifier: - Provide useBaseNotifier: true to assign the notifier details to the event. - Provide useBaseNotifier: false to assign different notifier details

  • responseHeadersarray

  • depEventobject

Loading Examples...

Path Parameters

  • tenantIdstringrequired

    Describes the tenantId of the tenant

  • installedIntgIdstringrequired

    Unique Identifier of the installed integration

  • eventIdstringrequired

    The unique ID of an event related to the integration

