Search Templates

Searching for template based on query parameters

scope query parameter lets user to filter templates based on Template Scope

  1. scope = Global , Filters the templates which are globally available across the platform for all customers.
  2. scope = Service Provider,Filters the templates which are provided by Service Provider.
  3. scope = Client , Filters the templates which are created by the tenant.
  4. scope = Partner, Filters the templates which are created by the provider who manage the tenant.

Using scope filter in queryString with authentication

  • With client authentication keys (example urls valid only with clientdid)
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<clientid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Global
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<clientid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Service Provider
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<clientid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Partner
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<clientid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Client
  • With partner authentication keys (example urls valid with both clientid or partnerId)
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<clientid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Global
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<clientid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Service Provider
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<partnerid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Global
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<partnerid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Service Provider
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<clientid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Partner
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<clientid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Client
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<partnerid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Partner
    • https://<>/api/v2/tenants/<partnerid>/monitoring/templates/search?queryString=scope:Client

Path Parameters

  • tenantIdstringrequired

    Describes the clientId or mspId of tenant

Query Parameters

  • pageNointeger

    Resultset page no

    Default: 1

  • pageSizeinteger

    Records in each page

    Default: 100

  • isDescendingOrderboolean

    Resultset order

  • sortNamestring

    Sort the resultset based on the given field name (groupBy)

    Default: id

  • queryStringstring

    Query String to filter resultset based on different parameter values

  • idstring

    Template ID

  • namestring

    Template name

  • scopestring

    Scope of the template. Please refer notes below for details

    GlobalService ProviderClientPartner
  • collectorTypestring

    Monitoring metric data Collector type. Supported values as given.

    AgentGatewayOpsRamp CloudAWSGOOGLEAZURESaas Application
  • statusstring

    Template status

  • generationstring

    Template Generation

  • startCreationDatestring

    Search for templates created within a certain duration. startCreationDate denotes the from date.

  • endCreationDatestring

    Search for templates created within a certain duration. endCreationDate denotes the to date.

  • startUpdationDatestring

    Search for templates updated within a certain duration. startUpdationDate denotes the from update date.

  • endUpdationDatestring

    Search for templates updated within a certain duration. endUpdationDate denotes the to update date.

  • sourceTypestring

    Filter to get the available templates at the given resource level type .For eg filter for available templates at resouce i..e sourceType=DEVICE. User can filter out templates required for given resource type.



  • resultsarray

  • totalResultsinteger

  • orderBystring

  • pageNointeger

  • pageSizeinteger

  • totalPagesinteger

  • nextPageboolean

  • nextPageNointeger

  • previousPageNointeger

  • descendingOrderboolean

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