Manage Service Group

Gets and delete service groups.

Gets service group details.

Path Parameters

  • sgIdstringrequired

    Service group uuid

  • clientIdstringrequired

    Describes the clientId of the tenant


  • idstring

  • namestring

    Unique name for the service group. The service group is identified with this name.

  • createdDatestring

  • updatedDatestring

  • childTypestring

    Child service group type. Example: DEVICE, SERVICEGROUP, SNS, SQS

  • frequencyinteger


  • thresholdTypestring

    (Optional) Define the availability status for a service group with below threshold types: - count: Define availability of a service group based on the number of resources in the group. For example, if 10 resources are down. - percentage: Percentage of resources or services that should be considered to determine the availability. Below are the supported availability statuses: - Down: If resources or services down are greater than or equal to a specific value(count/percentage), then service is considered as Down. - Degraded: If resource or services down are less than a specific value(count/percentage), then service is considered as Degraded. - OK: If all resources or services are Up, then service is considered as OK. For example, a user wants to define availability status as Down if 5 resources are down, then the values are provided as: `"thresholdType": "count","thresholdLimit": 5`.

  • thresholdLimitinteger

    (Optional) Provide a specific threshold value to determine count or percentage. only numeric values are accepted; decimal values will be rounded to the lower value(floor). The range is between 1 to 100.

  • monitorNamesarray of strings

  • includestring

  • typestring

    (Optional) - To generate an alert when the threshold limits are breached, provide type: alert. - To display the availability status without generating an alert, provide type: default.

  • alertTypeinteger

    (Optional) Provide specific alertType value to set service availability monitor: - Service Availability Monitor will be set to Available, If alertType = 2. - Service Availability Monitor will be set to Any critical alert, If alertType = 0. - Service Availability Monitor will be set to Critical alert, If alertType = 1.

  • alertboolean

    (Optional) Generate an alert when the threshold limits are breached.

  • metricsarray

  • filterCriteriaobject

  • parentobject

  • kbArticlesIdsarray of strings

    Assign knowledge base articles to a device group.Note: To fetch a knowledge base article ID: 1. Log into OpsRamp. 2. Click Knowledge Base. 3. Select the required article and then copy the article ID. 4. Provide the article ID in "kbArticleIds" field. Example: "kbArticleIds": [22089].

  • depthnumber

  • clientobject

Loading Examples...

Deletes a service group.


  • Deleting a service group removes the service group name and its details.
  • Deleting a parent service group also deletes the child entities (resources or service groups).
  • Resources or Services under the deleted service group are retained and are available in the OpsRamp infrastructure page.

Path Parameters

  • sgIdstringrequired

    Service group uuid

  • clientIdstringrequired

    Describes the clientId of the tenant

