Get Minimal Resource Details
Gets minimal resource details of the given tenant.
Path Parameters
- clientId
Describes the clientId of the tenant
Query Parameters
- locationId
Use the `Get Time zones` API to fetch location IDs.
- deviceGroupId
Use the `Get Minimal Details of Device Group` API to fetch device group IDs.
- deviceTypeId
Use the `Get Device Types` API to fetch device type IDs.
- state
Supported resource states: - active: Indicates managed devices - inactive: Indicates unmanaged devices - discovered: indicates all discovered devices - all: indicates the total device states including active, inactive and discovered
Default: active
- queryString
Prepared query string consists of query parameters.
- hostName
Name of the host.
- dnsName
Domain service name.
- resourceName
Name of the resource.
- aliasName
Other name of resource.
- id
Resource unique ID.Example: d5bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-5f639f2dd321
- serialNumber
Resource serial number.Example: d7bce6fe-d19f-4ad7-8c50-2f639f2dd778
- ipAddress
Resource IP address.
- systemUID
System Unique ID.Example:
- state
Resource state supported values: active, inactive, discovered, all. Filter devices based on the device state.Example: discovered
- type
- deviceType
Filter resources based on device type. This parameter is required if the resource type is a device. Use Get Device Types API to get the names of supported device types. Enumerate multiple device type names with comma-separated strings.Example: Windows, Linux
- resourceType
Filter resources based on a resource type. Use Get Device Types API to get a list of supported resource types supported by OpsRamp. Enumerate multiple resource types with comma-separated strings.Example: DEVICE, DOCUMENT_DB
- startCreationDate
Indicates the date to search the creation date of a resource. Start indicates from date.Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
- endCreationDate
Indicates the date to search for the last date of resource creation. End indicates to date.Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
- startUpdationDate
Search for a resource updated within a specific duration. Start indicates from date.Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
- endUpdationDate
Search for a resource updated within a specific duration. End indicates to date.Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
- tags
Custom attribute tag names. Enumerate multiple tags, by separating each tag with a comma.Example: Admin
- template
Monitoring template ID used to get the list of devices assigned on a particular template.
- agentProfile
Agent profile ID.
- gatewayProfile
Gateway profile ID.
- instanceId
Cloud instance ID.
- accountNumber
Cloud provider's account number.Example: 290642135901
- installedIntgId
Installed integration ID.Example: INTG-6dcbc22c-5436-5eb8-5e7c-8db0319938a4
- agentInstalled
Filter for agent-installed resources:- agentInstalled: true gets agent-installed resources.- agentInstalled: false gets non-agent resources.<br>Example: true
- deviceGroup
Fetch resources that are part of a specific device/child group. Provide a device group name.Example: Windows Servers
- serviceGroup
Fetch resources that are part of a specific service group. Provide service group name.Example: Admin Group
- deviceLocation
Fetch resources that are at a specific location. Provide a location name.Example: West-SJ
- isEquals
To search for the exact match of a variable.- isEquals: true , to search for the exact match of a variable.- isEquals: false to search for a similar match of a variable. For example, to fetch list of resources in location West Valley and resource group, provide the query variable respectively as:- deviceLocation: West Valley%2BisEquals: true - deviceGroup: Windows Servers%2BisEquals:true. Note: This is an optional parameter for deviceGroup/deviceLocation/serviceGroup
- assetManagedTime
The most recent time a resource is managed. The asset managed time gets updated whenever a resource is managed or unmanaged.Example: 2017-01-01T00:00:00 0000
- firstAssetManagedTime
The first time a resource is managed.Example: 2017-01-31T00:00:00 0000
- appRoles
Filter for resources based on applications running on the resources.List of supported applications:
- Enum:
- activemqhbasemongodbrabbitmqapachehdfs-datanodemonitdMemoryStatsrediscassandrahdfs-namenodemoxi-serveriptablemysqlsolrcouchbasejbossnfsiostatsparkcouchdbkafkanginxsquidDNS-Serverkubernetesntptomcatdockerkvmopenvpndocker-containerlighttpdoracleweblogicelasticsearchmesosmasterpostfixwebspherehaproxymesosslavepostgresqlzookeeperriakceph
- id
- name
- hostName
- ipAddress
- aliasName
- resourceName
- resourceType
- dnsName
DNS name of the resource.