Install Integrations
To install the integration, provide the integration id in the available list. Find the list using endpoint /integrations/available/search
Installs the following integrations:
- cloud : Required payload as in example.
- Saas Applications : Required payload as in example.
- monitoring : Default configuration needs no payload.
- collaboration : Default configuration needs no payload.
- exports :
- In Exports for Webhook configuration, use WEBHOOKRECEIVER as uniqueName at
partner scope
only. eg<server_url>/api/v2/tenants/<partnerId>/integrations/install/WEBHOOKRECEIVER
- All other batch export Integrations are supported at "partner scope" only.
- In Exports for Webhook configuration, use WEBHOOKRECEIVER as uniqueName at
Install the supported integrations by name
Path Parameters
- uniqueName
Describes the integration name in the available list of integrations
- Enum:
- tenantId
Describes the tenantId of the tenant
Request Body
- displayName
Name used to identify the integration.
- integration
- ipAddress
ipAddress for the private cloud. To be only used for compute Integration.
- credentialSet
Name of credentialSets. Only used for compute Integration.
- credential
Credential details of cloud/saas-apps
- logos
- category
Category describes the behavior of custom integration. Applicable only for Custom Integration installation. Example: If monitoring is selected as category, the integration will work as monitoring integration.
- Enum:
- CustomCollaborationMonitoringSSOAutomationADAPTER_INTEGRATIONREPORTING_APPS
- installedBy
- installedTime
- status
- alertSource
Source of alert. Applicable only when installing category is Monitoring. Default Alert Source is taken as Custom.
- direction
Direction of the installation. Applicable only when installing category is Collaboration. The default direction is taken as Inbound-Outbound.
- Enum:
- InboundOutboundInbound-Outbound
- description
- singleSignOnAuthentication
- discoveryProfiles
Discovery profile configurations for Cloud and Cloud native resources.
- inboundConfig
- outboundConfig
- emailProps
- configDetails
Export Integration details
- emailAddress
- ticketType
OpsRamp supports the following ticket types:
- Enum:
- parentIntg
- deployment
Specify the k8s deployment environment where k8s cluster is onprem cluster or deployed using cloud provider. **Applicable to prometheus integration** : Optional to specify the deployment environment where the Prometheus agent will be installed.
- Enum:
- cloudonPremVM_UbuntuVM_Redhat
Default: onPrem
- containerEngineType
Specify container runtime engine either Docker, ContainerD, CRI-O
- Enum:
- DockerContainerDCRI-O
Default: Docker
- configFiles
- profile
- id
- displayName
Name used to identify the integration.
- integration
- ipAddress
ipAddress for the private cloud. To be only used for compute Integration.
- credentialSet
Name of credentialSets. Only used for compute Integration.
- computeCredentials
vmware details
- credential
- logos
- category
Category describes the behavior of custom integration. Applicable only for Custom Integration installation. Example: If monitoring is selected as category, the integration will work as monitoring integration.
- Enum:
- installedBy
- installedTime
- status
- forceDeleteStaleEntries
- skipDeleteResources
- multiConfigsAvailable
- multiAppsDiscoveryEnabled
- enableGlobalPolicies
- keepAgentInstalledResources
- deleteAssociatedChildAccounts
- streamExportsEnabled
- acceptConditions
- modifiedTime
- modifiedBy
- logManagementEnabled
- traceManagementEnabled
- alertSource
Source of alert. Applicable only when installing category is Monitoring. Default Alert Source is taken as Custom.
- direction
Direction of the installation. Applicable only when installing category is Collaboration. The default direction is taken as Inbound-Outbound.
- Enum:
- InboundOutboundInbound-Outbound
- description
- singleSignOnAuthentication
- discoveryProfiles
Discovery profile configurations for Cloud and Cloud native resources.
- inboundConfig
- outboundConfig
- emailProps
- emailAddress
- ticketType
OpsRamp supports the following ticket types:
- Enum:
- parentIntg
- deployment
Specify the k8s deployment environment where k8s cluster is onprem cluster or deployed using cloud provider. **Applicable to prometheus integration** : Optional to specify the deployment environment where the Prometheus agent will be installed.
- Enum:
- cloudonPremVM_UbuntuVM_Redhat
Default: onPrem
- containerEngineType
Specify container runtime engine either Docker, ContainerD, CRI-O
- Enum:
- DockerContainerDCRI-O
Default: Docker
- configFiles