Create Schedule Maintainence Activity

Creates a different types of recurring maintainence schedule of the client.If any criteria such as resource or device group in the bulk payload is invalid, then the API will fail without creating any schedule. This is by design, to facilitate the rerun with a valid payload.

Path Parameters

  • clientIdstringrequired

    Describes the clientId of the tenant

Request Body


  • uniqueIdstring

  • namestringrequired

  • descriptionstringrequired

  • installPatchboolean

    Install patch during maintenance.

  • dontInstallPatchstring

    Install patch during maintenance

  • runRBAboolean

  • runEscalateActionboolean

    Enable escalation policy

  • dontRunRBAstring

    Enable run book automation

  • correlateAlertsboolean

    Enable correlation during scheduled maintenance.

  • scheduleobjectrequired

  • devicesarray of strings

  • deviceGroupsarray of strings

  • locationsarray of strings

  • alertConditionsobject

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  • uniqueIdstring

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