Permission Sets
Gets the list of permission sets and creates a permission set of the tenant
Search Permission sets
Path Parameters
- tenantId
Describes the clientId or mspId of the tenant
Query Parameters
- pageNo
Default: 1
- pageSize
Default: 100
- sortName
Default: id
- isDescendingOrder
- scope
To be used only with partner APIs. Filter Partner only and Client only permission sets
- Enum:
- name
query with permission set name
- results
- totalResults
- orderBy
- pageNo
- pageSize
- totalPages
- nextPage
- previousPageNo
- descendingOrder
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Create a new permission set
Path Parameters
- tenantId
Describes the clientId or mspId of the tenant
Request Body
- name
- description
- permissions
- scope
- Enum:
Default: CLIENT
- clientUUID
- partnerUUID
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Response Samples
"name": "Client Administration",
"description": "Permission to manage a client",
"scope": "CLIENT",
"clientUUID": "c3a28d05-29b0-488b-9b67-33f5de8677d5",
"permissions": [
"name": "administration",
"type": "administration"