fetches trace alerts
Name | Type | Description | Default value |
uniqueId | String | Alert Definition UniqueId | "" |
isPage | boolean | Pagination results will fetch | false |
pageNo | int | page number | 1 |
pageSize | int | page size of results | 20 |
isDescendingOrder | boolean | Results will fetch in descending order | true |
sortName | String | sort the results based on field | id |
queryString | String | QueryString for search the results. format - entityType:(RESOURCE/CLIENT)+name:(alert definition name)+status:true+uniqueId:(alert_unique_id) | null |
Request Body
- isPage
- isDescendingOrder
- pageNo
- pageSize
- sortName
- queryString
- uniqueId
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- tenantUniqueId
- name
- alertType
- query
- alertTriggerDuration
- noDataCondition
- subject
- description
- createdTime
- createdBy
- modifiedTime
- modifiedBy
- uniqueId
- status
- alertThresholdType
- alertThresholdData
- attributes
- entityType
- component
- labels
Loading Examples...